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Thank you for visiting the site. This is a compilation of different information of the fruits and nuts species found in the Philippines. These information include: common names, scientific names, family, photos, and other descriptions of the fruits and nuts. There may be a few species which are still unfamiliar or unknown so it is encouraged that visitors of this site may comment or suggest some valuable information. It is will also help if visitors can contribute some other knowledge such as photos and information of other species not posted here. Thank you for helping us improve this blog...


Common Name: Inyam
Scientific Name: Antidesma sp.
Family: Phyllantaceae


purple_haze said...

I love this fruit better than bignay. Where can I find seeds of these fruit?

Unknown said...

Inyam love this fruit dami niyan sa Mindanao

Unknown said...

Inyam ay mas maliit kaysa bignay or bugnay sa ilongo

Unknown said...

We love to eat this very little berries during our childhood days. The young berries usually tastes sour and the ripes small berries taste like that of black grapes. I still dont know.if this kind of bushes are still abundant and still in the Cotabato provinces as of now.

Unknown said...

You can find these trees/fruits mostly in Visayas region. I remember eating these fruits when i was in Masbate.

Unknown said...

We have this in our bukid. I love this tree and the fruits were just an eye-catch to the kids. They even love eating the fruits especially the dark ones.

Unknown said...

This is still in our place particularly in the mountainside.